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Thursday 23 January 2025

Dear Parents

Thank you for your support and patience as we ease into the new school year. The start of an academic year is always a time of transition—not just for the boys and staff, but for you as parents too. 
I am incredibly proud of how confidently our Grade R boys have stepped into their new environment and settled into their daily routines. From next Tuesday, our Grade N teachers will be at the gate from 7:30am to welcome the boys and assist those who need help getting to class. This is a gentle reminder that all parents should drop their sons at the gate, except on the day of your scheduled class visit. 

I have been engaging with the Grade 1 and 2 boys in discussions about kindness and the challenges of loneliness that sometimes accompany new beginnings. These conversations are a vital part of fostering a supportive and inclusive school environment. By addressing these topics, we help our young boys develop empathy, compassion, and the understanding that true strength lies in genuine connections with others. 
Spending time with the Grade N and Grade R boys on the playground has been a delight, and it’s been wonderful to see their confidence grow as they settle in. 
The newsletter will be sent out fortnightly. 

Playground update:

Work on the playground upgrade will begin this weekend. All the jungle gyms that need to be replaced will be removed. The climbling structures will then be replaced and repaired. Once this is completed the new shock pad flooring will be poured. We are working closely with PlaySafe, a leading playground safety company, to ensure that our playgrounds meet the highest safety standards for our boys. As part of this process, we will be upgrading all the surfaces. By collaborating with a landscape architect and PlaySafe, we aim to achieve an accredited safe playground—one of the first of its kind in South Africa. We look forward to providing our boys with a safer, more exciting play environment soon! Thank you for your support as we create a safe and enjoyable space for our boys.

Wishing Mr Reeler (12th January), Mrs Ntsomi (16th January), Mrs Kingwill and Ms Fernandes (26th January) and Mrs Swanich (2nd February) all a very happy birthday! We hope that their day is filled with joy and blessings. 

Kind regards


Wednesday 29 January Chinese New Year

We wish all our Chinese families a year filled with good luck and prosperity.
Wednesday 29 January

Class Reps Meeting 

Time: 07h30 to 08h30 
Venue: Dining room (Next to Grade 3 Classrooms) 

Friday 31 January

Grade R Coffee Connections

Our resident Occupational Therapist, Jane Durham and Mrs Essa will unpack the Muscle Mania programme that we use in Grade R. We encourage Grade N parents to come along as well to be informed and have an opportunity to ask questions as this will be something they will be exposed to next year.

Venue: Pre-Prep Hall
Time: 07:30

Thursday 13 February

Family Picnic

Information below. Please save the date.

School Second Hand shop

The second hand shop will be open on 27 January from 7h15-8h30. It will not be open between 12h15-14h00 on the 27 January. The shop is based at Bishops Prep on Belmont Road.

Bishops 2025 Term Dates

Morning Care

A reminder that all boys who are dropped off between 07h00 and 7h30 must attend morning care. No boys may be in their classrooms before 07h30.

Drop and Go
Grade 1 and 2 boys are to be dropped off at our drop and go area in Sandown Road. We please ask parents not to disembark from their vehicles but to have boys ready for a quick and effortless exit. Security will assist with opening and closing of doors and car boots. 

We have had quite a few enquiries about car stickers. All boys have received two stickers this week. These stickers will allow your vehicle access to the property.

Haircuts and Uniform

Most boys are looking super smart and ready for the day.  Thank you to all those who have ensured that the boys have nice neat, short haircuts.

We are a school that wears a uniform. It gives our boys a sense of belonging and togetherness. With that uniform comes certain expectations regarding appearance. All hair types and styles must be kept above the eyebrows, ears and collars so that it is always neat and tidy. Hair should be tapered so that the difference between the length of the top and sides is not excessive. Short dreads and short afros are allowed. Please cut your boys hair by Monday if they are not in line with our expectations.

Sport and extra-murals

We understand your enthusiasm for supporting your child, and we appreciate your interest in their activities. However, please note that parents are not permitted to watch the boys at extra-mural activities. We believe that this creates a more positive and productive learning experience for our boys. We encourage you to watch the boys compete at matches, galas and tournaments. Please wait near Miss Baninzi's gate for the teacher or coach to bring the boys up to you at the end of their activity.


A gentle reminder that we require boys to wear hats when outside.  The sun is extremely hot during the morning when the boys are outdoors.  Despite sunblock, the glare is quite intense and these hats provide much needed protection for both skin and eyes.  Please ensure that your son has his hat at school so that he is able to play outside.

Pizza Fridays

Pizza Fridays will start tomorrow. Gr R boys will be joining in. We welcome  the Grs to our Pizza Fridays.

Please note that Gr Ns do not have Pizza Fridays, they will join when they are in Gr R. Something exciting to look forward to.

Bishops Parents Prayer Group
Pre-Prep Open Day

We are having an "EXPERIENCE PRE-PREP" Open Day on 12 February 2025. If you have friends or family who might be interested, please encourage them to register to attend. Click on THIS LINK to register.

Family Picnic
Grade N

Our Grade Ns have settled in so well! We’ve all been enjoying our time outdoors in the garden and  quieter times in the art room and resource rooms too. The boys have been learning to play games, do puzzles, making crowns, experimenting with tactile activities such as shaving cream and jelly and going on a mini school tour! Each class enjoyed a music lesson with our fantastic Mrs Swanich and learnt to use some rhythm sticks while singing a new song. We look forward to another wonderful week next week where we explore the theme of ‘My body’.

Grade R

The boys have settled into Grade R beautifully, and it has been wonderful to see how they have embraced their new environment. They are already forming connections and new friendships, which is lovely to witness.
This week, we have been learning about Bishops and the familiar faces we see around us, including Mr. Rheeler, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Bain, and many more. The boys are becoming part of the Bishops family and are growing more confident in their surroundings. We have also begun our exciting Letterland journey, meeting Sammy Snake this week. The boys are thoroughly enjoying the adventures and activities that come with learning each new letter.
Outdoor play has been a highlight, with the boys making the most of the garden. Whether it’s riding tricycles, building and creating with construction sets, or splashing around in water play, the fun never stops! Despite the hot weather, their enthusiasm for play and exploration remains boundless. We are looking forward to a fun-filled and engaging term ahead.

Grade 1

Our energetic Grade 1 Superheroes, Lego Boys and Campers, have launched into 2025 with such enthusiasm and positivity! It’s been incredible to witness their growing independence and the way they are trying to embodying our cherished Mitre Values in everything they do.

This week, we are diving into the theme of “Families,” an exciting journey that encourages the boys to explore their own family connections. We are thrilled that they are already mastering the Oxford family names a milestone that highlights their budding reading skills. Well done, boys!

Another highlight of the week was our first swimming lesson. The excitement was evident as the boys eagerly splashed into the water, embracing this new adventure with courage and joy. The start of extra-murals has added even more excitement to our week. Whether on the sports field, in creative spaces, or exploring new skills, the boys have thrown themselves into these activities with energy and enthusiasm.
We are so proud of how well our Grade 1 boys have transitioned into this new chapter, and we look forward to the wonderful growth and learning that lies ahead this term!
Here’s to a fantastic 2025!

Grade 2

The Grade 2 boys are off to a fantastic start.  They have come back to school with new energy and are up to the challenge of being the big brothers of the Pre-Prep.  So far, they have displayed beautiful MITRE Manners and have embraced each day with such a positive attitude.  It is both a privilege and blessing to teach boys who love being at school and who make the most of every opportunity.  They have enjoyed swimming lessons in the Prep pool, learned their S-blend in spelling lessons, revised their bonds of six and have had so much fun learning how to estimate in maths.  Looking back on the week, I am amazed at how much we have already covered.  We look forward to a great year of learning with our Grade 2 gentlemen.   

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922