Dear Parents and Guardians
As the winter sports season draws to a close I would like to thank all those who have supported the boys and the school in a positive manner throughout the season. Your presence at the side of the pitch to encourage our boys has been greatly appreciated and I know they have enjoyed having you there. Let us make our final game against Rondebosch a truly special moment and a fitting send-off for our Grade 12s who play their last school winter derby at the end of their school careers.
I would like to acknowledge the boys, coaches, managers and staff who have made this season possible through their tireless efforts, sometimes under difficult conditions. Without them and their input, a sports season would simply not be possible and I am very grateful to them too for all they have done.
I was proud of our boys who turned up en masse for the SACS weekend, starting with supporting our Hockey team under very difficult, wet and windy conditions on Thursday and then on Saturday at the rugby. It was truly special to see so many boys together enjoying each other’s company and the sport.
I would like to remind parents that as spectators, our conduct needs to be an example to our boys in terms of how we support and any comments we make. Let us show our boys, through our example, how to treat match officials, opponents and the occasion itself where we celebrate sport for all the right reasons – a chance to play a game the boys love, with friends, and to learn from victory or defeat valuable lessons that will guide them in their adult lives.
College PA
We congratulate the new Chairperson of the College PA, Mrs Nida Hendrickse, on her election to this position and wish her well for her term of office. We bade farewell to the outgoing members, including Chairperson Mrs Minah Koela and thanked them for their wonderful efforts.
At the opening meeting, Mrs Hendrickse outlined her vision for the PA as a place of fellowship for parents, a place where concerns could be aired and clarity sought, a place to advise parents about matters and also a group that arranges functions and events for parents in the community. She indicated her desire that matters are not left unsaid, but are raised with the PA so that clarity can be sought and information shared to allay any concerns parents may have. She is very happy to receive communication at
Examples of discussion points at the PA included discussing the issue of cell phones and teenage use thereof, coupled with discipline. These two matters are clearly the domain of both school and home and it is only by working together that we can truly help our boys. We need to support each other – discipline and good manners are taught at home and reinforced at school and so we ask parents to continue to work with their children to deal with issues such as uniform, appearance, late-coming and basic manners such as greeting adults so the school can focus more on education and the development of our boys.
The College PA will be assisting the school with the development of a set of guidelines for parents on expectations of each other in this partnership between school and home.
Blues Bash
My grateful thanks go to all our boys and staff who made the annual Blues Bash, a collaborative event with Bishops and St Cyprian’s, such a resounding success. The boys loved the afternoon and evening and the chance for fellowship between the pupils at the school was greatly appreciated, while supporting the most worthy cause of addressing period poverty, raising funds for this cause. I extend my thanks to Mrs Jacky du Pont for her tireless efforts and enthusiasm in making this possible.
Ubuntu Learning Centre
The centre has been opened to the boys and staff after delays caused by weather. It is a joy to see the boys explore and use this new space and they have settled in very quickly indeed, finding place to learn quietly, share with each other in a learning space and collaborate. We still have some way to go in terms of minor issues within the building and the surrounds but these will be addressed in time, weather permitting!
I wish all parents well for the weekend ahead and to our Grade 12 parents in particular, I wish them well as they support their son in his preparation for the upcoming Mock Matric examination.
Kind regards
Antony Reeler
This week, we had our annual visit from the Head Boy and the sports captains from Rondebosch Boys at our assembly. Whenever we play at home, the hosting school goes to the visiting school to invite them to play games on the weekend. This symbolic occasion serves to strengthen bonds between the two schools and our Head of School visited RBHS last term before our home fixture.
As there was a guest, I did not share an assembly message but used the moment to read the Bishops Vision Statement to the boys, explaining the meaning of each word or phrase and how we have tried to live up to that vision in the messages we share, the discussions we have and the decisions we make. For interest, I have shared the Vision Statement below and encourage parents to read through this important piece that talks about the very essence of who we are as a school.
Vision Statement
Bishops Diocesan College in Cape Town, South Africa, a school rooted in Africa, aspires to:
- live humbly and with moral courage the values of the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition;
- respect, nurture and value every individual in our community;
- inspire our boys to open their minds and hearts to strive for their dreams, and to support others in striving for theirs;
- embrace that which is unique in the creative energy and curiosity of boys so that each may thrive and develop to his full potential;
- offer an excellent all-round education, leading and sharing innovative technology and practice in teaching and learning;
- address critical global issues, including the sustainability and regeneration of the natural environment, in the curriculum, in the operation of our school, and in the lives of all in the Bishops community; and
- contribute actively to transformation to a more just society by embracing and celebrating our heritage in all its diversity.
The emphasis is mine and does not appear in the Vision Statement but these are areas I wanted to focus upon as I have covered them specifically with our boys in our weekly assemblies.
Additional Academic Awards June 2024
Academic Tie Grade 9
Reuben Futter
Ben Karlein - Pianist in Concerto Festival
Congratulations to Ben Karlein for being selected to play in the Hugo Lambrechts Concerto Festival on 24 August. He will be playing the 3rd movement of Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F and is one of only three pianists who were selected to play with the orchestra. He was selected by a panel of adjudicators after submitting an audition video and coming up against some tough competition (including some university students). We congratulate Ben on his selection and wish him all the best for his performance on the 24th August.
Drama Colour Awards
Well done to the following boys on achieving their drama colours.
Full Colours:
Tristan Dahl
Half Colours:
Munya Mtombeni
Julian Boeddinghaus
National Debating League Awards
Congratulations to the following boys on their achievements:
Top speakers per school:
Hamaad Badroodien
Caden Chuang Top speakers overall (out of 550 debaters)
Juniors (ranked):
Yuvi Gihwala 46th
Benjamin Honigwachs 45th
Jack Townshend 41st
Hamaad Badroodien 12th
Seniors (ranked):
Oliver Frankel 8th
Noah Macnab 4th
Matthew Walker 2nd
Caden Chuang 1st Overall placement:
Junior team:
6th overall
Senior team:
1st place winning the first National Debating League trophy in the Western Cape
Fencing Junior Nationals
The fencing Jr Nationals were held at UCT from the 9-11th August. Bishops entered 5 fencers. Joshua Diggle, Matthew Earle, Alex Horrell, Nikkiran Govender and Brent Cowden. It was the first competition for Matthew and Brent. Joshua Diggle won silver in U17 epee and bronze in U17 foil. Well done to all the fencers who acquitted themselves well.
Bish Bosch
We wish our boys well for their or final fixtures of the winter sport this weekend at Rondebosch. We look forward to your full support for the boys this weekend.

All Rounder's Tie
Congratulations to Matthew Griffin on achieving his All Rounder's Ties. |
Sports Performance and Wellness (SPW) Physical Testing
Testing dates:
- Monday 26 August- Grade 8
- Tuesday 27 August- Grade 10
- Wednesday 28 August- Grade 9
Sports Performance and Wellness (SPW) testing is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess the physical fitness levels of Bishops students in Grades 8, 9, and 10. Scheduled twice a year, at the onset of Term 1 (January) and the conclusion of Term 3 (August), this testing battery encompasses various metrics crucial to overall health and wellness, as well as athletic development and performance.
Who participates in the SPW Testing?
When does the SPW Testing occur?
- Start of Term 1 (January) and end of Term 3 (August).
Purpose of SPW Testing:
- Grade 10 Bishops EPIC Preparation: Prepare students for the Grade 10 Bishops EPIC.
- Promote Physical Well-being: Encourage boys to take an active interest in their physical health and foster a healthy lifestyle.
- Progress Tracking: Enable students to monitor their physical fitness progression from Grade 8 to Grade 10
What is it that we are testing?
- Biometrics: Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Waist Circumference.
- Flexibility: Sit and Reach.
- Strength: Grip Strength and 1-minute Push-up Test.
- Power: Broad Jump and Medicine Ball Chest Push.
- Speed: 40m Sprint.
- Agility: Illinois Agility Test.
- Aerobic Endurance: Beep Test.
Utilization of Results:
- Each boy is sent their SPW testing results, as well as the history of all their previous results.
- Results are sent to sports coaches to aid with player selection.
- The analysis involves identifying weaknesses within the grade and individual students, classifying boys into specific groups based on testing results.
In essence, SPW Testing not only serves as a tool for evaluating fitness but also as a catalyst for fostering physical well-being, optimizing athletic performance, and nurturing a culture of holistic health among our students.
Last Call for Cycle Challenge Sign-Up!
Don't miss out on the VUSA Cycle Challenge—this is your last chance to sign up! Please encourage your boys to get involved. Teams can be formed with friends or family, and they don’t have to be exclusively Bishop’s boys—children and families from other schools are welcome to participate so please share far and wide.
With an exciting entertainment lineup (see details here), fantastic food, drinks and prizes, and the opportunity to support a worthwhile cause, this event is not to be missed. Whether you’re participating or just cheering on the teams, we’d love to see you there!
Entries close on Tuesday, 20th August
Sign up now by clicking : VUSA Cycle Challenge.

Market Day
Thank you to everyone who dropped off recycled goods for our VUSA Market Day which is taking place on Saturday, 17 August 2024 at Langa Sports Grounds. The children have been busy all week preparing their items and are so excited for the event.
Of all the VUSA programs, the impact of this one is particularly close to our hearts. Over seven months, the children work closely with Capitec and VUSA facilitators to develop entrepreneurial skills. They start by identifying a problem and work their way through budgeting and marketing culminating in "Shark Tank" pitches to teams of scary Capitec corporates. (Actually lovely, encouraging, and wise Capitec volunteers but, to a 13-year-old, it can feel quite intimidating!)
On Saturday, they will bring their ideas to life by marketing and selling their products. While the initial problems they identified might not always align perfectly with the final products they gain a deeper understanding that they can indeed find solutions to many challenges.
Some have focused on environmental issues, using recycled materials to create their products; others on food security, and of course, the ever-popular boerie roll stand that always sells out. Most importantly, they have learnt that they can create their own opportunities instead of waiting for them to appear.
Thank you to everyone who supported this initiative and for generously dropping off supplies for our children. Your contributions have made a real difference!

Save the Date Art Exhibition and Wine tasting
This fantastic event is taking place to showcase the artwork of learners from all three school campuses. The money raised from the sales of each piece will go to the Invest in Our Future Foundation that raises money to support ODs who may need assistance after they have left school.

OD News
It is always interesting to see what old classmates get up to. Click on the image below to read the latest OD news.

OD Events
See who is having their reunion and which events are coming up at the ODU. (Click on the image below.)

Campground Road, Rondebosch,
Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1000 | Fax: +27 21 659 1013