Dear Parents and Guardians
I welcome you all back to the start of the last term of the year. As we bid farewell to our departing Grade 12 boys and welcome in our new leadership team from Grade 11. As our Grade 10s head off on their Epic adventure. And as the final examinations beckon for all our boys. I wish them all well for these exams. May they prepare well and use their time wisely before the exams to make sure they do the very best they can. I thank Grade 12 parents for their support over many years at Bishops. This year has been a very successful one on so many fronts and you can be proud of your boy as he leaves us.
Matric Prize-Giving and Valedictory
At the time of this newsletter going out, we will not have had these two special events as they are scheduled for Friday afternoon to allow boys who are writing Cambridge exams to attend. It is my hope that this occasion gives our boys a fitting send-off to their time at Bishops and I thank our Class of ’24 for so many wonderful moments. Photographs will be shared on social media shortly after the Valedictory service is over.

This past week has been a difficult one for our community as we have dealt with the aftermath of the incident to which I referred in the special letter to parents that went out on Wednesday. I have heard many comments from parents, often along the lines of concern about a lack of information or the school being unwilling to act in issues of serious misconduct. I wish to make our position very clear.
The school will always act – always. We will never sweep matters under a carpet. But we will follow due process. Process that allows us the best outcome without fear of bias on the part of those involved in dealing with the issue.
If there is an incident, the school immediately initiates an investigation, often by the House Director under the guidance of the Deputy i/c Discipline. If the investigation reveals that a boy could present a threat to the process or to the victim, he may be suspended as a precautionary measure. This is not part of the punishment – it is to allow the process to take place. Statements are collected in the presence of parents or an adult approved by the parent. Those statements are checked and a decision is made as to whether this warrants a Disciplinary Hearing, in the case of suspected serious misconduct. If a DH is required, 48-hours notice is required to be given of that hearing.
The hearing is chaired by a senior member of staff or an independent person qualified to do so. A panel of senior and experienced staff assists the process. The hearing normally takes a few hours. The sanction is communicated to the parent within 24 hours after it has been decided upon. The parent has five days to appeal that outcome and the school has five days to respond to the appeal.
What I am trying to convey, is that with any disciplinary process, it takes time – up to two weeks or longer. During the process, communication of the matter could possibly result in the process being jeopardized. We ask, therefore, that parents understand that we take this responsibility very, very seriously. We act on everything we know. This may not always be communicated to the community and for very good reason. Please trust us that we have the very best interests of the boys and the school at heart.
We congratulate Andoni Augoustatos on his election as SRF Chairperson and welcome him to the leadership team at Bishops. I meet every fortnight with the Head of School, Deputies and the SRF Chair and these meetings are incredibly valuable as an exchange of ideas and sharing of thoughts on upcoming events and plans.
Top 150 schools
It was most pleasing to read the article in the news about Bishops being recognized as one of the top 150 schools in the world. I was very proud to be able to comment on this award and hope parents had the chance to read the article which also appears on our Facebook page.
Brooke Chapel consecration and blessing of the windows
We held a truly beautiful service, conducted by the Archbishop and with our current Bishop, Joshua Louw as well as no less than three retired Bishops who are ODs, to consecrate the Brooke Chapel and bless the newly-installed windows.
The Brooke Chapel was built in 1880, but due to money being owed on its construction, was never formally consecrated! It has been a library and an A level classroom in its time. As the money owed was long ago settled, we felt it appropriate as part of our 175 celebrations to consecrate the Chapel and also bless these new windows, in memory of Mrs Christina Gwavu, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and in recognition of Mama Leah Tutu. Full details of the windows and the significance of their imagery can be found on our 175 tab on the website.
My thanks to Joc Wrensch in particular for this wonderful project. The window project was driven by him and his team and they can be most proud of the outcome. To Father Monwabisi Peter go my thanks for the service and for arranging the liturgy and final thanks to the Archbishop and Bishops for gracing us again with their presence.

Rowing Centre
The new rowing facility is fast becoming a reality and it is a wonderful facility indeed. This will be a special home for rowing at Bishops and I am so proud of the rowing fraternity for what they have managed to achieve.
This small, but highly committed group of parents and boys have, over a number of years, raised funds tirelessly with a single goal in mind. To create a place for rowing that would benefit the boys and the school.
The funding for the facility has come mainly from funds raised by rowing parents or pledged by them. The school has contributed very little, mainly to create the recycling area behind the rowing tank. In addition, the facility has a verandah that has a dual purpose – that of being an area from which to watch cricket.
I commend the rowing fraternity for making what was a dream some years ago into a reality in 2024 through their own hard work and drive! The facility will be opened soon and we wish our rowers many happy hours of training in this special place.
Final thoughts
In all the events of the previous week and in much of the “noise” on social media, it is hard to remember that Bishops has had a remarkable year. From starting with being the top academic school in the W Cape to accolades for one of our boys coming first in the world in an A Level exam. From having world champion public speakers to outstanding musical performances, particularly the 175 Concert. From opening the magnificent ULC to the significant opening of the Brooke Chapel. From the many sports festivals and the success of Water Polo and Cricket, ranked simultaneously as #1 in the country with Hockey not far behind. From trying to inculcate a culture of service through Mandela Day to supporting a young man who helped build an orphanage in Langa… And I could go on and on.
This is a remarkable school, with remarkable people. Who do remarkable things. I give thanks every day for the school, our boys and those that support what goes on here.
We have work to do, that is clear. We have to change culture when it comes to unacceptable “traditions” and practices and we will work tirelessly to do so, providing a place that is safe for boys to thrive.
Pro Fide et Patria
Kind regards
Antony Reeler
Go in Peace to Love and serve the Lord
We have a tradition that the person concluding Chapel, assembly or hymn practise closes with the words “Go in Peace to love and serve the Lord” to which the congregation replies, “In the name of Christ, Amen”
The word Amen having special meaning of “so be it”.
So what does it mean to Go in Peace and what are we being asked to do at least three times each week? The latter part about loving and serving the Lord is, to me how we show our commitment to our faith in trying to live a life Christ would want us to live. So I wish to focus today on going in Peace – those first three words.
If all we do each week after hearing these words is automatically respond, our faith means nothing, these words mean nothing. If we still lift our hands in anger, raise our voices harshly to demean or belittle another or use our phones to send vitriolic message to and about others, where is the Peace we promise to live by?
So much is written about peace and, after love, is probably the most prayed about in all religions. One of our most beautiful prayers of St Francis of Assisi speaks of a desire for us to be a channel or an instrument of God’s peace. We speak of peace often yet our world is a mess. We have simply gone mad and seem hell-bent on hurting each other – with our words or our actions. Where is the peace we all desire as a planet?
What, you may ask has this got to do with you? You are at school with little influence over world politics – yet. But you can control yourselves. You may not be able to cease world conflict but you can live an example of peace yourself.
There are two songs, whose words rung true for me as I prepared this message. The first, written in 1955 by Jill Jackson-Millar and Sy Millar titled “Let there be peace on earth” The words of three of the stanzas read as follows:
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment
And live each moment
In peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
And then a song that needs little introduction, written in 1971 by John Lennon in which he asks us simply to Imagine:
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
So my prayer for you is for you to be instruments of peace in our world. For peace to begin with you. For you to set the example to others in your own lives and to live out the words you have heard so often:
“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” |
Grade 12 Academic Awards September 2024
Ties NSC Curriculum:
Jordan De Sousa
James Farrell
Nic Hatty
Bradley Lowndes
Albert Steyn
Jersey NSC Curriculum:
James Grieve
Jersey Cambridge Curriculum:
James de Jager |
Art Colours :
The following are congratulated on achieving Colours for Art:
Half Colours:
Matthew Owen
Joey Lwande
Full Colours:
John Van der Watt
Connor Fletcher
David Lewis
All-Rounder's Tie
Congratulations to Nicholas Basson and Gordon Alexander on achieving their All-Rounder's Tie.
For ranking within the top 5 of the National Debating League while representing Bishops, individually ranking within the top 10 speakers at the Debating Provincial Competition and being selected to represent the Western Cape at the South African National Schools' Debating Championship, as well as continued dedication to the debating society, full colours for debating is awarded to Ben Anderson. Well done!
Public Speaking
Full Colours:
Noah Macnab
Shankara Moodley
Samuel Clarke.
Half Colours:
Zac Miller
Bishops boys excel at NIDPSC
Bishops took a team of six boys to the National Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championship at Merrifield College in East London at the start of the holiday, all the boys made at least one final.
Hamaad Badroodien made the Persuasive Speaking Final.
Noah Macnab made the Impromptu Final.
Shankara Moodley made the Debating final.
Daniel Bursey made the Impromptu Final and the Debating final.
Matthew De Jager made the Persuasive Speaking final and the Interpretive reading final.
Samuel Clarke made the Interpretive Reading final, the Persuasive Speaking final and the Impromptu final.
All six boys placed in the top twenty speakers. Four of the boys have made the South African team: Samuel Clarke, Matthew De Jager, Noah Macnab and Daniel Bursey. They will be competing in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia in April of 2025.
Two of these boys placed in the top three: Matthew De Jager placed third overall, and Samuel Clarke placed first and was therefore the National Champion of 2024. We can be very proud of this achievement.
Thanks must go to Mrs Schultz-Mofokeng, Ben Anderson and Caden Chuang for training the team, and to Alaric Hobbs and Mrs Schultz-Mofokeng for accompanying the team and adjudicating in East London.

History Society Guest Speaker: Vincent van der Bijl
On the 4th of September the Bishops History Society had the privilege of hosting Old Diocesan Mr. Vincent Van Der Bijl. He is considered one of the greatest bowlers never to have played Test Cricket, as well as one of South Africa’s greatest cricketers. He shared his socio-political journey through sport with the boys, along with experiences from his career under the Apartheid regime. The evening was both informative and highly engaging. We look forward to welcoming members of the school to join us in future events.
African Relations Society
It is my pleasure to announce the 2025 Chair, Deputy Chair Person and committee for 2025:
Chair Person:
Luke Carter
Deputy Chair:
Troy Geyer
Committee for 2025:
Yanga Soyaya
Max Marr
Thami Siko
Thato Oliphant
Teacher in charge: A Kritzinger
Cricket Awards
1st XI opening batsman, Adnaan Lagadien, has recently returned from Zimbabwe where he represented the South African Emerging u19 team in a five-match, 50-overs-a-side series in Bulawayo. Adnaan played in three of the five matches and returned a man-of-the-match performance in the third game by way of scoring 112 off 87 balls (12 x 4s and 3 x 6s). Adnaan is, as a result of his national selection and outstanding contributions with the bat in both South African and Bishops colours in 2024, awarded Full Colours for cricket and a Distinction Tie.
We have 3 signature bats that will be handed out to these batsmen for their incredible performances.
Aadam Van Graan 128* off 88 deliveries for the U14A team against Stellenberg. Thaafier Japhta scored 113 off 100 deliveries for the 1st X1 against Stellenberg. Ibraheem Taliep scored 113 off 116 deliveries.
The U14A team against Wynberg The following cricketers took 5 wickets or more in a match: Michael Kruiskamp took 5 for 28 for the Frank Reid X1 vs Noordheuwel Shafiek Joseph picked up 5-13.
The U15A team against Parel Vallei Waco Bassick knocked over 5-22 for the 1st X1 against Stellenberg and Daniel Perold notched up 5-38.
The U15A team against St Andrews College Nick Green snatched 5-12.
The 3rd X1 against Wynberg Alex Vintcent ran through Groote Schuur with 5 wickets for 2 runs off just 14 deliveries.
Soccer Colours
Congratulations to the following boys on their soccer colours.
Half Colours:
Fayaaz Allie
Firoz Ebrahim
Aiden Neutt
Full Colours:
Calum Daniels
Nic Deckenbrock
Cameron Giles
Ben Hendrikse
Ammaar Jackson
Thomas Welsh
Water Polo
Western Province Schools Water Polo Age Group Selections for 2024, congratulations to the following boys.
U14A: Troy Webb
U14B: Cuan Cadiz, Robert Kirsten , Adam Tanfield, Jamie Thomason
U15A: Oliver Badenhorst, Harry Ford
U15B: Dominic Zulch
U16A: Matthew Fenn, Michael Mafunda, James Malan, Timothy Young
U16B: Noah Coleman, Anthony Lampe, Christopher Mclagan, Noah Viuff
U19A: Ross Stewart, Thomas Truter
U19B: Luke Cartwright, Milo Letschert
Bishops 1st Team win SACS Water Polo Tournament
Congratulations to the Bishops 1st Water Polo Team on winning the excellently run SACS Water Polo Tournament for the first time! SACS hosted 20 top boys’ schools from around the country in this prestigious tournament. Bishops claimed victory in the final, defeating St John's 5-3, after impressive performances in the quarter-final against SACS (4-2) and the semi-final against Rondebosch (3-1).
Well done to the following for making the tournament team; Jordan De Sousa (Best Goalkeeper), Tom Truter (Best Attacker), Timothy Young and Michael Voogt.
A special mention to the captain, Ross Stewart, whose leadership and performance was inspirational throughout the tournament, and also made the tournament team.
Bishops Tournament Results:
• Bishops 8 – 2 Grey College
• Bishops 7 - 3 Grey PE
• Bishops 4 - 1 Clifton
• Bishops 8 - 2 Pretoria Boys
• Bishops 3 – 0 St Davids
• Bishops 4 - 2 Hilton
• Bishops 5 – 5 St Stithians
• Bishops 5 - 3 Jeppe
• Bishops 3 – 5 Rondebosch
• Bishops 4 - 2 SACS (Quarter-final)
• Bishops 3 - 1 Rondebosch (Semi-final)
• Bishops 5 – 2 St Johns (Final)
It was a well-deserved victory that showcases the team's hard work, discipline, and strategy under coach Jabulani Sibiya's guidance.
This victory tops off a successful season for the team, as they also secured the SACS Night League Trophy and the Mazinter Cup.
Bishops 1st Team Water Polo
We are proud to announce that our Bishops 1st Team Water Polo has been named the Western Province Team of the Year. The prestigious trophy was presented to the team captain, Ross Stewart, at the Western Province Schools Water Polo Capping Ceremony. This award, which recognizes not only success but also resilience and sportsmanship, is a testament to the 1st Team’s hard work, dedication, and character throughout the season. It is a remarkable achievement, as the team last won this honour in 2012.
OKN Class Karting World Finals
Cole Hewetson has been selected to represent South Africa in the OKN Karting World Finals, which took place in the United Kingdom.
In the qualifying heats, Cole secured fifth place in the first qualifying, fourth in the second heat and third in the third heat. After his exceptional performance in qualifying, Cole came up against 37 drivers in the finale and we congratulate Cole on finishing in 4th place overall in this prestigious world event. Well done!
Golf Awards
Congratulations to the following golfers who have earned their colours:
Half Colours:
William Bassett
Jake Oelz
Matthew Gurr
Nicholas Axten
Full Colours:
Jack Buckham
Inter-house Climbing
We had another great Interhouse Competition this week, the boys had a lot of fun. Well done to the winning houses.
Third Place: Birt House 119 Points
Second Place: Ogilvie House 129 Points
First Place: Kidd House 141 Points
Climber of the day with 53 Points – Tommy Winfield (Kidd)

International Science Fair News
Congratulations to Zac Rosenberg (Grade 10) for winning a silver medal in the Engineering category at the 2024 International Science Fair! Competing against 308 South African students and 18 international participants, Zac showcased the development of his groundbreaking golf app in Johannesburg from September 23 to 27. The app aims to scan golf courses and, with projectile motion calculations, provides personalized advice to improve golfers' swings and performance. Zac's achievement highlights the innovation and talent emerging from Bishops!
Excerpt from a recent News 24 article showcasing ISF 2024: Zac, a passionate golfer, has taken his love for the sport to the next level by combining his interest in physics with his love of golf. “Golf has always run in the family,” he says. “I grew up around the sport and my favourite subject has always been physics.” This unique combination led Zac to embark on a groundbreaking project – developing an app that could revolutionise how golfers approach the game. Zac’s app, designed to scan golf courses and provide personalised advice based on a player’s location, allows users to input data, set up profiles, and receive guidance on where to hit the ball. At its core, the app computes projectile motion, offering precise recommendations to improve swings and optimise performance. “It’s essentially computing the physics of golf in real-time.”
The development process wasn’t without its challenges. “Time management was a big hurdle,” Zac admits. “I would test the app, and if something didn’t work, I had to go back to the drawing board several times.” Zac’s goal is simple: he plans to launch the app for golf enthusiasts to use. “Representing my school is already a proud moment for me. Time and motivation will get me there.” As Zac continues to fine-tune his innovative app, it’s clear that his passion and determination will pave the way for a new era in golf technology.

SPW Testing Results and Top Performers
Grade 8, 9 and 10 boys have been sent their SPW Physical Testing results from the latest testing battery that was completed at the end of Term 3.
The top 3 overall performers and therefore fittest boys in their respective grades are as follows:
Grade 8:
Ibraheem Taliep
Yusuf Patel
Imaad Hendricks
Grade 9:
Caleb Clark
Harry Ford
Enoch Chan
Grade 10:
Kyle Stirk
Timothy Young
Luc Dicey
Congratulations Boys, keep up the hard work! |
Join Us for an Unforgettable Evening: Wine, Art, and Community!
Next week, the new Ubuntu Learning Centre on the College campus will transform into a vibrant hub of creativity and indulgence. From October 22 to 25, we invite you to explore an exquisite art exhibition featuring the remarkable works of our Prep students, College students, and ODs. This is not just an event—it's a celebration of talent, community, and the finer things in life!
Mark Your Calendar for October 24th!
On this evening, from 16:00 to 19:30, indulge your senses at our exclusive wine-tasting event. Sample an extraordinary selection of wines from no fewer than ELEVEN esteemed OD winemakers, each sharing their unique craft. As you sip on delightful vintages, enjoy delicious harvest platters that will enhance your tasting experience. Tickets are R250 and all proceeds go towards the ODU Invest In Our Future Fund.
What to Expect
A Feast for the Senses: Taste a curated selection of exquisite wines while savoring gourmet snacks.
Art in Focus: Marvel at the creativity on display, with pieces available for purchase via an online auction and on-site sales.
Community Spirit: Connect with fellow alumni, parents, and friends in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
Your R250 ticket includes:
- A stylish wine-tasting glass
- Access to an array of fine wines
- Delicious harvest platters
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to enjoy a cosy yet classy evening, celebrating the best of Bishops with the broader community. Everyone is welcome! Secure your spot today and join us for an evening of fine wine, inspiring art, and delightful company - click here to purchase your ticket.
We are also having a Silent Auction - amazing art and exclusive wines to bid for. Don't miss out! All funds raids in aid of the Invest In Our Future Fund.

Campground Road, Rondebosch,
Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1000 | Fax: +27 21 659 1013