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Dear Parents and Guardians

It is hard to believe that this newsletter goes out as our Grade 12 boys enjoy their last week of classes after 13 years of school! They head off to write their Mock Matric next week and we wish them the very best of luck for the examinations. We wish our current Grade 11s well for their upcoming leadership camp and as they prepare to take over the various leadership positions in the school.

Our winter sports season closes off with our traditional set of matches against Rondebosch at home. We wish all our sportsmen well for this final game and hope that they enjoy the occasion. The First XV rugby game will be played later than usual, starting at 14:00, due to it being televised live.

My thanks go to all parents who supported the various fund-raising initiatives and calls for help in the past few weeks. We are so grateful to the many people who gave generously towards the various campaigns. We are aware that we have asked a lot of our community and are trying to make sure we do not create “donor fatigue”. We turn down many requests for funding or assistance to try to focus on certain projects and, of course, our own Vusa initiative which is so close to our hearts.

You will be aware that a large tree fell down on the campus following another storm. We have used the services of a tree specialist for a number of years to ensure that our trees are healthy and safe. This included having trees trimmed twice per year to remove parts of their canopies and identifying and removing trees that may be potentially dangerous. This will continue as we try our best to not only have a campus that has atmosphere and beauty through our gardens and trees but also one that is as safe as possible.

Bishops turns 175!

Bishops was founded in 1849 and thus next year, in 2024, we commemorate our 175th anniversary. While this is a milestone in the life of our school, it is really a mid-point between the more significant 150th and 200th celebrations. Our philosophy behind commemorating this anniversary is to use it to celebrate our connections beyond Bishops, to our brother and sister schools, to Vusa, to the OD Union, and to the community at large.

We have a number of exciting events planned for the year, involving all three campuses, highlights of which include inter-schools sporting and cultural festivals, a 175 Anniversary Concert, the launch of an online history of the last 25 years, and a campaign to complete and dedicate the three remaining stained-glass windows in the Brooke Chapel. The Brooke Chapel project is close to our heart and will involve a modest fund-raising campaign. More on that will be communicated at a later date.

A central point of the year sees two important dates in July, when we plan to open our new Resource Centre as well as embark on a school-wide day of service on Mandela Day (18 July), with all boys and staff being involved in 175 minutes of community service (a departure from the usual 67 minutes). A number of other projects are in the pipeline and we will communicate these at the appropriate time.

We have drawn up a Calendar of Events for the year (attached to this newsletter), highlighting most of the important events, although a number of those are yet to have the date finalized.

You will also notice the logo for our 175th Anniversary, which apart from our crest, also includes symbols of significance to the country (wheat wreath and protea) and the school (bell).

We hope to enjoy a wonderful year, commemorating our school’s varied history, while looking forward to Bishops continuing to play an important role in education and the greater community at large over the next 25 years.

Staff News

I am pleased to announce that Mr Joc Wrensch has been appointed as a new Deputy Head at the College. His portfolio will be Pastoral and Discipline and he will be responsible for overseeing the House system and other pastoral structures but also College discipline. Minor disciplinary matters will be dealt with by House Directors and in the various Pillars of Academic, Sport and Culture while more serious matters, requiring a disciplinary meeting or hearing, will be handled by Mr Wrensch and the disciplinary committee. Mr Wallace will focus solely on Sport, working closely with the various Teachers-in-Charge. This will come into effect from the start of 2024.

The Executive, with the approval of Council, created this new structure to be able to focus our attention on the two areas of discipline and sport, building on the efforts of the past and striving to improve what we do. We congratulate Mr Wrensch on his appointment and wish him well for his term of office.

Final Thoughts

As cycles come and go, boys leave our school and new boys arrive, I am reminded of why I chose teaching as a profession. To see the growth and development of young people is a special privilege that teachers get to see every year. While there is still some way to go in the year, this is the “beginning of the end” as I mentioned in my opening paragraph.

Thank you for having faith in us as teachers and as a school to walk alongside your son. He has got it right sometimes and has got it wrong. And so have we. But together we have made our way along the journey that is education.

For those with some years to go, treasure your time here as it passes only too quickly. Encourage your son to make the most of every opportunity that comes his way and he will leave a balanced, well-rounded young man ready to take on the world!

Kind regards

Antony Reeler


For today’s message I shared an article I read on research done with teachers and pupils on what they looked for in their relationships with each other.


So much of our daily living revolves around the relationships we have. At school, perhaps none more important than the relationship teachers and pupils have with each other. The teacher derives fulfilment and purpose in validation of their reasons for taking up this profession of choice and the pupil gains insight, wisdom, knowledge and ability in not only subject matter but also life lessons. The relationship is critical to any effective schooling system.

I read an article recently that was written as a result of research done on this relationship with insights from both pupils and teachers on what they hoped each other would do in order to build the relationship. I share a few findings from that research with you today:

Comments agreed by both teachers and pupils as joint responsibility:

  • Promote a safe learning environment
  • Respect pupils’ unique identities
  • Show patience for pupils/Show patience for teachers
  • Take responsibility for your actions and be accountable
  • Be open to critical feedback
  • Be open to hearing each other’s perspectives
  • Show consideration for pupils’ or teachers’ lives outside of school

Suggestions for teachers:

  • Keep pupils’ personal information private.
  • Avoid favoritism.
  • Respect pupils’ boundaries and privacy.
  • Be available to pupils outside of class time.
  • Create a balance between a formal and informal relationship.
  • Share decision-making with pupils.
  • Create an interactive environment.
  • Show flexibility with expectations.
  • Act in a friendly way with pupils.
  • Communicate clear and consistent expectations.
  • Share about your own personal life.
  • Show care for pupils’ well-being, not just their grades and academic performance.
  • Advocate for pupils within the school.

And finally, a list for pupils to consider in their relationships with teachers:

  • Accept that teachers make mistakes.
  • Show appreciation for what teachers do.
  • Show active, engaged listening.
  • Address issues directly with the teacher.
  • Don’t take advantage of teachers who show flexibility.
  • Participate in classroom activities.
  • Own up to your mistakes.
  • Follow instructions.
  • Use technology responsibly.
  • Show up on time.
  • Stand up for yourself respectfully.
  • Show that you care about school.
  • Connect with teachers outside of class.
  • Respect the teacher’s authority.
  • Respect teachers’ expertise.
  • Show respect for substitutes.
  • Respect teachers’ time constraints.

I hope that these few thoughts have given you a moment to reflect on the relationships you have in our school. I have found relationships between pupils and teachers to be very special at Bishops and I urge you to keep building on them as we navigate this journey together.

“What Students and Teachers Do to Build Positive Reciprocal Relationships: A Study Co-Led by Youth and Adult Researchers” by Jerusha Conner et al in American Journal of Education, August 2023


Academic Tie

Congratulations to Michael Whitelaw in Grade 9, who has been awarded an academic tie.

Science Expo

Many congratulations to our 2023 Science Expo participants. They have made Bishops proud!
The following medals and prizes have been awarded:

John van der Watt and Aadil Dawood (Spectrometric analysis of metabolic byproducts forming as result of physical exercise)

Royal Society of Chemistry Award:
John van der Watt and Aadil Dawood

Grant Weich (School lab synthesis and theoretical investigation of YBCO superconductor)

Matthew Griffin (Investigating the effect of monochromatic frequencies of VIS light on photovoltaic cells)

Highly commended:
Daniel-Reid Diedericks and Matthew Earle (Investigating the potential of solar powered trains in South Africa)

This Eskom Expo for Young Scientists competition took place from 21-23 August at UCT.

Service Ties

The following boys are awarded service ties for bell ringing; Ryan Caffery, Kaspar Holm and Zach Willemse. The captain for bells for 2024 is Matthew Thomas.



The following boys need to be congratulated on achieving their Debating Tie:

Luke Carter
Matthew De Jager
Jeremy Liddle
Liam Hacking


In recognition of their outstanding commitment and dedication to the Global Issues Network Society GIN ties are awarded to Malick Majiet and Nic Macdonald.
Malick and Nic’s unwavering dedication and profound impact have left an indelible mark on the GIN society. For the past four years they have exemplified what it means to be catalysts for positive change in our society.
The GIN society is proud to present Malick and Nic with their GIN ties.  


The Bishops Interhouse Chess competition was played over two days in August and involved fierce competition between all eight houses. Mallett House continued their dominance by defeating Kidd House in the finals. Congratulations to the winning team of Michael Kruse, Yusuf Balim, Akshay Thakersee, Aiden Marsh, Aidan Norris, Fabian Gaertner and Hamaad Badroodien. The winning trophy was designed by Mr Walsh. Captain of Chess for 2024 is Aiden Marsh.

Social Responsibilty

The Bishops Outreach Leaders have decided to start a fundraising initiative aimed at funding scientific calculators for underprivileged matrics at Belgravia High School in Athlone. This is a very prevalent issue across South Africa and sure any boy will be able to sympathise with the near impossibility of writing their Maths final exam without a calculator.  
We have partnered with Inyosi Empowerment, who will be matching every Rand raised, and aim to fund 200 calculators which will be used by Belgravia High School matrics for years to come.  
Parents and boys alike are welcome to donate with SnapScan (see attached) or at the stand at the Bishops vs Rondebosch Derby rugby fixtures near the 1st Team field on Saturday. Additionally, there will be posters all around the school.  
Additionally, we ask everyone to please bring an old calculator(s) that you are willing to donate (preferably scientific calculators), as every little bit helps.


Bish Bosch Weekend

This weekend is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated weekends on the winter sport calendar, as we host our long time rivals Rondebosch Boys High for their home soccer, hockey and rugby season end fixtures.

We wish all our teams well ahead of the their big games and welcome RBHS and their families and supporters to our campus.

We encourage responsible support of the boys playing this weekend and look forward to hosting you for a fun sporting weekend.
The Rugby will be televised on DSTV, please see attached programmes of all matches.

Please click here for the Rugby Progrmamme and click here for the Hockey programme. Or use the QR codes below.


The Bishops Community wishes Adnaan Lagadien very well ahead of his journey to Pretoria on Thursday, 24th August to attend a three-day Cricket South Africa (CSA) national u17 camp. Adnaan’s invite to the camp speaks volumes for the increasingly high regard in which he is being held by those at CSA overseeing the development of South Africa’s next generation of cricketers.

Congratulations to the following 1st XI Grade 12 cricketers on being awarded cricket colours
Half Colours:
Andrew Dallas
Thomas Jacobs
Matthew Brodziak

Full Colours:
Cole Crawford


The annual Fencing Champs took place on Friday 18th August in the Mallet Centre. The interhouse cup was won by Founders against Kidd. The Richards brothers took the trophies. Aidan Richards won the epee cup and Daniel Richards won the foil cup. Daniel, as the outgoing captain was awarded the service cup. Kieran Hollis was awarded his half colours in fencing; a service tie went to Tristan Carter for his service as armourer over the last two years. The new vice-captain for 2024 is Landa Tsobo and captain is Thomas De Waal. Congratulations to all the award winners at the close of the winter season.

Fencing Western Cape held a competition this weekend at Christal House. Daniel Richards won a gold medal in U20 epee – winning 15-14 and Aidan Richards won a bronze medal. An excellent ending to the fencing season.



A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out to support the Bishops PA Charity Golf Day.  Thank you to the event Sponsor, Coronation and the hole sponsors who contributed to the enjoyment of the day. Thank you to everyone who sponsored prizes.  R112,000 was raised for VUSA and other meaningful causes that the Bishops PA supports. 

Please see THIS short clip of the day.

Cycle Challenge

Join us in just over a week for the thrilling 24-Hour Cycle Challenge brought to you by Investec!
Mark your calendars and get ready for an event that promises excitement, inspiration, and community spirit. The highly anticipated 24-Hour Cycle Challenge is just over a week away, and this year, we have a truly exceptional guest: Grant Lottering. Brace yourself as Grant embarks on an incredible journey, attempting to cycle the entire 24 hours solo!
Curious to know more about Grant's remarkable story? Take a moment to watch this inspiring clip. Grant's determination and resilience are sure to leave you awe-inspired. Don't miss the chance to show your support! Swing by Grant's bike. Your presence and encouragement will be a welcome distraction as he tackles this formidable challenge.
The event will unfold at the iconic Piley Rees, creating an atmosphere brimming with energy. Even if you're not participating in the cycling, we invite you to bring along your family and friends.  

We have a great line-up which includes Interviews with Matthew Pearce, Grant Lottering, Tank Lanning, magic by Olwethu Dyantyi, our beloved Cape Town Comedian Kurt Schoonraad, live entertainment from the Bishops Music Department, Me and Mr Green, DJ Ross and a silent disco.  VUSA Coach and personal trainer,  Monwabisi Tshotwana will offer a sunrise stretch class and we will have entertainment for the children so there is something for everyone.  Our dedicated teams have already kicked off their fundraising efforts, and you can contribute too. (
The 24-Hour Cycle Challenge is more than an event; it’s a celebration of community, endurance, shared experiences, courage and togetherness. See you there!

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1000 | Fax: +27 21 659 1013