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Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to the start of the third term after our mid-year break. I hope that those families that were able to take a break enjoyed their time and made many happy memories doing so.

I was away in New Zealand, attending the annual IBSC conference, hosted by Westlake Boys School in Auckland and had a very inspiring conference in the company of over 600 delegates from around the world from boys’ schools. Feedback from this conference will be given to the staff, boys and parents over the next few weeks. The conference theme of “Dreaming beyond limits” was well supported by excellent speakers and workshops and I was privileged to be part of the event, listening to speakers such as Sir Ian Taylor, founder of Animation Research Limited, a global organization that provides digital animation to all golf tournaments and the ball tracking facility for most cricket games. His message of success was most inspiring as he shared how a little company based in Dunedin, managed to have the impact it does on the global sports scene. One of his messages I have shared with the boys already in my opening assembly which was that you can have all the dreams you want but you have to get out of bed!

Other speakers included Sir Graham Henry, legendary All Black coach, who spoke of team culture in sport and how player-driven culture was the recipe for the All Blacks’ success. I attended talks on well being for boys and staff, Maori culture and traditions, school leadership, helping indigenous boys in traditional schools, sexual consent and challenges teenagers face and a closing address by Tony Fernando on “Finding the missing peace” where he addressed issues around human well being and coping with stress and disappointment. 

My assembly this week was based on a workshop presented by a fellow South African on how to encourage boys who are not given positions of formal leadership to recognize their worth to a school. You can read this below.

These conferences are a great source of inspiration to me and allow me to connect with colleagues from around the world. I left very happy with the comparison of Bishops with other schools around the world and was able to share in a session of which I was a part, the Bishops story of a successful House system and our Eisteddfod, both unique aspects of the educational offering here that we believe work well.

Eluvukweni Fundraiser

Mr Mark Mitchell shared our partnership with the Eluvukweni Church at the Eisteddfod and I would like to ask for your support in this initiative. We are helping this community complete the building of a church and trying to raise the R200 000 needed to finish the project. Information about our fund-raising concert, to be held on 6 August has gone out and we ask for your support for this special project.


A special communication went out earlier this week, informing our community of the acquisition of our catering provider, Origin, by Feedem who will take over the balance of the catering contract. We are very grateful to Origin for their service over a number of years and look forward to continued good service from Feedem going forward.

Load Shedding

We have appointed an independent electrical engineer to help us manage the situation with electricity provision going forward. He has been very complimentary of the efforts made thus far and has given us short, medium and long-term advice. The short-term solution of the provision of generators was the correct decision and we will be reliant upon generators for some time as part of our medium-term solution. As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, the challenges of this campus are significant and any long or indeed medium-term solution will be costly. It is important that we spend wisely and with a view on the future.

Our medium-term solution of generators and a combination of batteries and invertors will be rolled out in the coming weeks with batteries being used to power essential IT services. The uncertainty of load shedding means that it is impossible to predict the extent of load shedding and this impacts directly on future solutions. Generators are far less costly than batteries in the initial capital outlay but are costly to run. Lead times for obtaining batteries of the size we would need are up to three months, so this is not a quick-fix but a slow, careful and considered process that has the full support of the Council and the Building and Grounds Committee who met on Wednesday to receive direct input from the engineer.  

For clarity, the challenges we face are not only the number of hot water geysers and kitchens that pull large amounts of power in concentrated periods of time but also the wiring of the campus with its over 90 distribution boards. We will continue to prioritise the safety of our boys and staff, the provision of quality education and our boarders and their needs as we go forward in the next few weeks.


We have advertised for a Deputy Head position at the College which will be filled by an internal appointment to take on the role of Pastoral and Discipline in the College. The Sport portfolio will thus be separately run and we will have four Deputies, one in each of the key pillars of the school: Academic, Pastoral, Culture and Sport. As soon as the process is completed, we will announce the successful candidate.

Closing Remarks

In my welcome to the school, I acknowledged the staff and boys who undertook tours and fixtures during the holidays. I repeated my thanks to all those who made this possible, staff and parents, and I know our boys enjoyed their golf tour, rugby tour and History tour, reports of which appear later in the newsletter.

I wish you well for the term – the last “teaching” term for our Grade 12 boys in their school careers! May the boys use the lessons from the first six months to inform their progress in the last six and I wish them and you a successful semester ahead.

Kind regards

Antony Reeler


A Common Man, a Good Man

“Down these mean streets a man must go who is … neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be … a man of honour—by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world.”

Raymond Chandler

At the recent IBSC Conference I attended a workshop presented by a South African Deputy who works at a school similar to ours. His research focussed on working with boys who did not get the positions they hoped for in the school hierarchy, encouraging them to use their strengths to leave a legacy in their school, despite not having a formal position in that hierarchy. He posed the question “Do I need a position in order to leave a legacy?”

There are relatively few of us who will have formal positions of leadership in a school and those positions will be different in terms of responsibility and public awareness. It is obvious that the Head of School will have great influence and responsibility as a result of that position, but what about the man who is not? Who is not a Head of House or a formal leader?

There are relatively few who will have badges, ties and colours indicating their achievements. Few who will receive public acclaim. Some of us will have nothing. But does that make us any less worthy, any less responsible for creating and leaving a legacy of some form? Does it make us “nothing”?  I think not…

Chandler speaks of the Common Man in the quote I read. The man who is the best man for his world. We often forget that common men usually make all the difference. They are the ones unfettered by the expectations of responsibility and who can leave their own mark, whatever that may be. You see, if we let the trappings of formal responsibility define us, we run the risk of forgetting who we really are and what influence we can have. It gives us an excuse if we don’t have those formal roles to opt out of thinking about what role we do and can play.

In this space, I am inextricably linked to the role I have – there is no getting away from that. I am largely defined at the Principal of Bishops. Yet in my family, at my golf club, in my social circles, that role is unimportant and I am a member of those spaces, contributing in my own way, free of the titles normally associated with me. You see, I will not always be the Principal of Bishops. One day I will leave and then what?

You too will leave this space. You will leave behind all badges, ties, honours and awards. All public recognition will be gone. And what remains?

If we let our roles define us, we run the risk of leaving nothing of ourselves for others. And we run the risk of leaving it up to others in formal roles, using excuses that I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t have a formal role to play.

Each of us can, in fact, contribute. We can take initiative and drive something we are passionate about. We can be the best human being for other human beings we can be and be remembered for how we made others feel. We can respond positively to calls to action. We can indeed leave our own legacy without having to rely on a formal position to do so. Never underestimate the importance of being a Common Man, a Good Man. One who does not need formal recognition or a title to make a real difference in the lives of others.    

I close with one of my favourite quotes from Robert Kennedy

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Do not be afraid of being a Common Man, a Good Man. Do not wait for leadership positions to influence for the good. Do not leave it just up to others in those positions. You can change your world and change ours too. 




The following boys achieved impressive results in the 2023 English Olympiad that was written earlier this year.

Well done on these excellent results.

G – GOLD (80 to 90%)
Jamie Chester
Jacob Fried

S – SILVER (70 to 80%)
Hasheel Govan (Silver Plus)
Divakaran Govender (Silver Plus)
Matthew Walker (Silver Plus)
Michael Kruse
Richard Mason
Zuhayr Mohamood
Jody Syndercombe
Stuart Whitelaw
Joshua Traut
Zac Miller

B – BRONZE (60 to 70%)
Ben Anderson
Nicholas Basson
Milan Sandri
David Lewis

Academic Awards - June 2023

Grade 9 Academic Ties Grade 10 Academic Ties Grade 11 Academic Ties Grade 12 Academic Ties
Daniel Bursey Joe Bolus Sebastian Jack Yusuf Balim
Ben Couves Sam Dalley Danyaal Omarjee Zachariah Coovadia
Matt Couves Sebastian du Toit Zac Miller Thomas Rowand
Matthew De Jager Dylan Martin Alex Savva  
Aarav Desai Gavin Martin    
Luc Dicey Yaqeen Omar    
Theodore Forsyth Pablo Slaven    
Ketan Govan Nic Weir    
Oliver Howie      
Benji Koch      
Matt Kriel      
Jeremy Liddle      
Cameron Macbeth      
Michael Mafunda      
Max Marshall-Smith      
Derek Meyer      
Naethan Mol      
Billy Oriander      
Matthew Ramsay      
Maximus Sandri      
Zuhayr Sirkot      
Troy Stockdale      
Alex Tadross      
Tommy Winfield      


Grade 9 Academic Jerseys Grade 10 Academic Jerseys Grade 11 Academic Jerseys Grade 12 Academic Jerseys
Matthew De Jager Kieran Hollis Louis Du Preez Nikolaos Augoustatos
Ketan Govan Matthew Walker Christopher Gray Stefan Dixon
Jeremy Liddle Grant Weich Peyton Leigh Nic Macdonald
Cameron Macbeth   Joseph Oelz  
Naethan Mol   Michael Kotze  
Maximus Sandri   Arun Nayar  
Tommy Winfield   Robert Veldtman  

House Trophies

Most improved House/Grade - Gray Grade 12
Best House/ Grade – Kidd Grade 12

Well done to these boys for all their hard work to be able to achieve excellent academic results.


Big Ideas

On Tuesday 18 May, the Big Ideas Set in Grade 9 had their orientation to the programme. They were introduced to their pilot project which will require them making posters, activity books and games for Vuka Nomtobhoyi Educare Centre in Langa. As part of this, the boys were welcomed to Red and Yellow where their lecturers helped them understand the various design techniques, as well as marketing and branding their project. Thank you @redandyellowed for a memorable and inspiring afternoon.

Music Concert

Join us for our concert series at our music school, beginning with Daniel Brodie, who will delight with a concert for our Bishops community Friday the 28th July at 7pm in the Hyslop Hall.

In recent years, he has performed as a soloist with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, and the University of Stellenbosch Symphony Orchestra, participating in their concerto festivals and competition final rounds. He has recently participated in the 2023 UNISA National Piano Competition in Pretoria as one of ten pianists selected for the live rounds.

This is a musical treat not to be missed!

Eluvukweni Concert

If you were at the Bishops Interhouse Singing at the end of last term, you will be aware that we, as the Bishops community, are aiming at raising R200 000, in order to help the Eluvukweni Church of Crossroads complete their new church. As part of this fundraising initiative the College and Prep Music Departments, along with the Eluvukweni Church Choir, are holding a concert on Sunday 6th August, at 15:30, in the Memorial Chapel. The varied programme will range from traditional choral works, such as Bach’s Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, to more popular works like The Prayer.  

Come and enjoy a relaxed afternoon of music-making. The ensembles which will be playing include the Prep and College Choirs, Simply Blue, the College Orchestra, String Ensemble and Brass Band, as well as the combined College and Prep Windbands and the combined College and Prep Marimba Bands. 

How to get tickets:

Tickets are on sale now. Payment, by SnapScan, can be made at the College Admin Building, the College Music Department or the Prep Music Department. As this is a fundraising concert, the ticket price is R200. ALL proceeds will go to the Church Fund. 

We would love to be able to fill the Memorial Chapel! 


If you are unable to attend the concert, you are still able to be part of this project by making a donation. Please feel free to donate however much you feel comfortable with, by using the Snapscan link below which contains the QR code. 

If you do not have access to SnapScan you can make a direct deposit into the Bishops account. The details are as follows: 

Bank: Standard Bank 
Rondebosch Account: 07 142 127 0 
Name: Diocesan College Council  
Reference: Surname, initial, CF 

History Tour

22  Bishops  boys, along with two members of staff, returned to Cape Town on the 8th July following a memorable 12-day tour of the cultural and historical sites of Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Days (and nights) were long with great distances covered in a relatively short space of time. It was unanimous that the multi-hour bus journeys and sore feet as the result of much walking and exploration of cities, towns and one-time battlefields, were small prices to pay for all that was seen and experienced on tour. Indelible memories, of which there were many, included laying a wreath at Delville Wood in remembrance of the 112 Old Diocesans who gave their lives in the Great War; walking along beautiful Omaha Beach (scene of the D-Day landings in 1944); observing, first-hand, the grand opulence of the Palace of Versailles, famed Hall of Mirrors included, during a guided tour; being mesmerized by the site of 15000 crosses, all immaculately maintained, at Douaumont, that mark the final resting place of French soldiers killed during the Battle of Verdun (there can be very few memorials that encapsulate the sheer scale of human tragedy wrought by World War One as shown at Douaumont) and viewing many of Paris’s most celebrated attractions care of a cruise of the Seine River. It should be added that the members of the tour party proved to be thoroughly outstanding ambassadors for Bishops and South Africa.


The following boys are congratulated on achieving Colours in Drama:

Full Colours:
Duncan Carter

Half Colours:
Koame Kota 

The grade 10-12 dramatic arts classes from Bishops, Herschel, and St Cyprian’s were treated to MMC’s fresh rendition of Samuel Beckett's classic play, Waiting for Godot, in the Memorial Theatre. The performance captured the essence of absurd theatre, showcasing great energy and physicality while incorporating various theatre techniques. The use of minimalistic props, and the effective utilisation of the performance space, enhanced the overall experience for the audience.

Menzi Mkhwane Creations (MMC) is a theatre company, founded in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) by passionate and dedicated theatre practitioners. Their primary mission is to deliver stories to audiences using the powerful and expressive language of the arts.

Medic Team

Thank you to our medic team who work endless hours at sporting events, on and off campus, to attend to our sport boys. They have spent many hours gaining the necessary skills to be able to assist in various emergency situations.  Well done to our seniors in the team for their leadership and always being on call!



The recent Bishops Rugby Tour saw the age group A sides, the 2nd XV, and the 1st XV heading to St Andrew’s College for their highly anticipated annual fixture. The matches were nothing short of thrilling, showcasing outstanding talent, determination, and sportsmanship from both schools. Despite some challenges, the tour turned out to be an enormous success, with Bishops players leaving a lasting impression both on and off the field.

The tour commenced with the U14s taking the stage, and they left an indelible mark with their exceptional performance. Displaying superb Bishops rugby, they overwhelmed St Andrew’s College with an impressive 68-5 victory. The U14s' skills, teamwork, and determination proved too much for their opponents, highlighting the bright future that lies ahead for this age group.

The U15s faced a more challenging encounter, struggling to find their rhythm throughout most of the match. Despite their efforts to come together as a team, they were defeated with a final score of 14-33. However, the U15s dedication and commitment to improve, promise exciting prospects for the rest of the season.

The U16s put on a thrilling and well-matched game, giving their all in every play. The match remained fiercely competitive until the very end. Unfortunately, a late penalty gave St Andrew’s College the edge they needed to secure a narrow 15-14 victory. Nonetheless, the U16s showcased remarkable sportsmanship and skill.

The 2nd XV faced the challenge of playing without several regular players, but they rose to the occasion and provided an entertaining match. The game was closely contested throughout, but in the end, Bishops pushed through to score and emerged victorious, proving their determination and adaptability in the face of challenges.

The highlight of the tour was undoubtedly the 1st XV match, which left spectators on the edge of their seats for most of the match. The lead exchanged hands multiple times throughout, resulting in a spectacle of running rugby and exciting tries. St Andrew’s College seemed to have the match under control, but the Bishops players again demonstrated resilience and fighting spirit. In an incredible display of skill and teamwork, they managed to score two fabulous tries in the final two minutes of the game, securing a sensational 48-39 victory. This remarkable comeback showcased the true heart of the Bishops 1st XV.

While the tour was unavoidably short, it was an overwhelming success, thanks in large part to our coaches and managers who looked after the boys so well and the incredible hospitality shown by our hosts, St Andrew’s College. The warm reception and sportsmanship displayed by St Andrew’s College contributed to an enjoyable and memorable experience for all involved.

Congratulations to Hassiem Pead, Gilermo Mentoe and Aidan Norris on their SA Schools Rugby selection. They received their blazers at a ceremony where OD Suleiman Hartzenberg was the guest speaker.

Quote from coach Wes Chetty “Consistency, hard work and being great Bishops Men, well deserved”


Congratulations to the following Bishops boys on their selection to the SA U17 team. (From the left, Robbie Veldtman, James Grieve and Josh Mettler)

Our Bishops 1st XI enjoyed a fun game of hockey against the Langa U19A Hockey team last week. Thank you to our hosts for a special evening!


During the holidays a team of six matric golfers; Sebastian Dorward, Michael Newton, Kayan Jaga, Michael Cadiz, Daniel Egerer and Thomas Jacobs all took part in the annual Cape Schools’ Week Golf Festival held in St Francis Bay. The group played ‘practice’ rounds on soggy George and Plettenberg Bay golf courses on the way to St Francis. Unfortunately, the weather was awful over the three days of the festival. On day 1, St Francis Links was closed in the morning due to heavy rains. This did not perturb the boys though, and they went to the driving range and hit hundreds of balls. By the afternoon the course had drained enough to allow for a quick nine holes. The 36-hole format planned for the next day was reduced to 18 holes of match play on the St Francis Bay course. On the final day the boys were back on the Links course in a gale force wind for another 18 holes of match play. The team returned good results with victories over Grey PE, Framesby and Nico Malan, but lost to Selbourne College. Despite the wet weather the tour was lots of fun, mostly because of the group of fine young men on the trip. A special thanks to Mr Court and Mr Gildenhuys for accompanying the boys on tour.


Congratulations to 1st XI cricketers; Adnaan Lagadien and Peyton Leigh, on their respective selections to attend the Cricket South Africa (CSA) U17 Regional Camp at Boland Park in Paarl during the final weekend of July.


The Bishops Rowing Club invites all current and future college parents and boys to attend our annual Family Day!

Date: 20th of August
Where: Zeekoevlei

If you are interested, please contact Rowing 2-I-C – Christopher Hale via email:

"Rowing is the quintessential team sport, which builds character and gives young men the opportunity to participate and achieve.”


We are pleased to announce the inaugural captains of Bishops Surfing. Captain for 2023 is Kai Zander and Vice Captain is David Abendanon. Wishing you a great season in the waves.

Body Boarding

Renzo Olmesdahl (Gr8 Ogilvie) has been selected to represent WP in the upcoming national competition. Congratulations.


Zuhayr Mohamood (O12) and Cuan Sides (G8) represented South Africa in their respective age groups at the KSI World Karate Championships held at the Cape Town International Conference Centre in the last week of the holidays. Both acquitted themselves well at the championship with Cuan only knocked out in the Bronze medal round of the Kata section. South Africa won the tournament with Finland and the USA in second and third place, respectively. Well done to both Zuhayr and Cuan on their selection and excellent performances at the Championship.


School Days and My School Rewards

Thank you and well done to our Bishops families who have contributed to our My School Programme, we have seen a significant increase in swipes and encourage all our families to continue to join the programme and swipe every time you shop at Woolworths. It makes a massive contribution to those in need and a programme we are proud to support and contribute towards.

Please also join the Dischem rewards programme, which is all online, there are no cards required, simply create a profile and any purchases made will be logged automatically.

Mandela Day

As a part of Mandela Day, we asked our College boys, parents and staff to contribute a shopping bag of non-perishable food to a worthy NGO, Food Forward SA. We are so grateful of every person at the College, who stepped up and donated what added up to an impressive amount of food. We know this will go a long way to helping families in need of food basics during this cold winter.

Thank you, Elizabeth Merrington, who helped manage the process and hand over the food parcels.

Moms and Son Game Ranger Tour

During the July holidays a few moms and sons headed to the wilderness to do a game ranger course. The boys were excited to be able to visit an orphaned Rhino calf facility and took part in a rhino dehorning and bird ringing. Discussions and time with every mom and son allowed for the further growth in the family bonds of each family represented.

The Grade 9s had a wonderful experience and proved themselves worthy game rangers, eager to make a positive impact on the community.


Stay Updated with VUSA

Are you interested in staying informed about VUSA and upcoming events? Don't miss out! Access the latest VUSA newsletter by clicking HERE. Keep up to date and be part of the vibrant community!

Get Ready for the 24-Hour Cycle Challenge brought to you by Investec!

Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated 24-Hour Cycle Challenge scheduled for the 2nd and 3rd of September. This event is not only a perfect family day out but also serves a wonderful cause. We ask parents to encourage their boys to sign up for a team and be part of this meaningful endeavor.  Teams for Parents, Staff and ODs are also available, but spaces are limited.  Please contact Nikki Matthews or Kirsty Hatt for more information. Please watch THIS short clip.

Thank you to all the families who joined us in Langa last week to celebrate the Mandela Day clean-up initiative. Your enthusiastic participation and unwavering support made the event truly memorable. We’ve included a short clip capturing the highlights of the day – please click HERE.

Golf Day

Please join us for an amazing cause! Our Bishops PA Charity Golf Day will be hosted on the 17 August, benefiting Vusa Rugby and Learning Academy and other supported charities.
Your participation can make a huge difference! Book a 4-ball or sponsor a hole now!

Click the link to get involved:

Thank you all for your continued support and active participation in making a positive impact on our community. #StrongerTogether



Congratulations to the 5 OD’s who were selected for the SA u21 hockey squad who played a series against the SA u18 team. Mustapha Cassiem (2020 W), James Flint (2022 K), Brett Horn (2022 B), Caleb Oliphant (2020 W), Daniel Neuhoff (2022 K).

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1000 | Fax: +27 21 659 1013