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Dear Parents and Guardians

As the fourth week of the year draws to a close, the school is in full swing with many activities taking place. I imagine many boys, particularly the new Grade 8s, are tired at times and that is normal, having come off a long holiday into a busy environment and with the change from Prep school to College with its increased levels of involvement and expectation. There is nothing wrong with being busy, but I encourage parents to help their boys manage their time well. We are trying to balance the activities of the school with individual needs and, if your son is struggling, please reach out to us and we will see where we can help him balance his load.


The Matric exam results have been shared in summary with parents and we have had an opportunity to analyse some of the subjects, comparing Bishops’ results with other schools across the province and the country. It was wonderful to be recognized as the top academic school in the province at the recent WCED awards ceremony and we are very proud of our Class of '23 for achieving what hasn't been done before (in our memory).

In addition to being rated as the top school, Bishops was joint top in Mathematics in the province with Herschel and the top Physical Sciences school on our own. Further research into the results showed the following:

  • Seventh in the country in terms of numbers of distinctions per candidate, excluding Further Studies subjects, and the only boys' school in the Top 10
  • Top Mathematics school in the country in terms of number of distinctions as well as percentage of those who took Mathematics getting a distinction with 74 of the 139 boys (53%) getting over 80%. Only 36% of all candidates nationally wrote Pure Mathematics with 3,5% obtaining a distinction. The Bishops average for Mathematics was 78%.
  • Top school in the country in Accounting in terms of the percentage of distinctions with 68% of the class, albeit a small class of 22, achieving this.
  • Top school in the country in Economics with a staggering 72 distinctions from the 89 boys in the class who wrote the subject (81% of the class). This compares with the 2,2% figure nationally. The Bishops average for Economics was 86,5%.
  • Second in the country in terms of the number of distinctions for Physical Sciences and fourth in terms of percentage of distinctions for the group with 50 of the 100 boys achieving this. The number of boys who took the subject is higher than any other school in the top 10. The Bishops average for Science was 78%.

These are the highlights from the information we have as subjects like Mathematics and Physical Sciences are often analysed first. I do want to comment though on the achievements of our boys in the languages, humanities and arts which remains outstanding and as soon as we have comparisons to share, we will. Our Music and French departments had averages over 90% and Drama over 80% and while these are smaller subjects, they remain very important to us. Finally, as a subject taken by all boys, our English department returned an average of 76% which is quite remarkable.

We remain convinced that our approach of encouraging all-roundedness and holistic education is one of the cornerstones of our success. When you look at the amazing number of activities our boys take part in, very successfully, the achievement in academic performance is even more notable. I believe that our approach to encouraging participation and involvement is not at the expense of academic excellence and I am very proud of our boys and all they do.

My grateful thanks go to all those who supported the boys, their teachers in particular who inspired and motivated their classes, and the parents and guardians who provided support from home. This was a wonderful way to see in the new academic year!

It is appropriate that we started the year by acknowledging not only the Grade 12 group but all the top achievers in Grades 8 – 11 in 2023 at our annual prize giving. The names of these boys can be found later in the newsletter. My warmest congratulations to them all and I hope this event served as a motivation to all our boys to achieve excellence, relative to their own ability.

Our guest speaker, Prep Headmaster Mr Greg Brown, spoke of the value of all-roundedness and personal excellence, reinforcing the message we have been promoting for so long. My thanks to him for a well-received and inspiring address and for handing out our prizes to the boys.   

I heard a saying recently that said, ''Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not.'' I am very mindful in all the wonderful achievements our boys have, that they have so many opportunities to develop their talents. We are indeed in a privileged position but what pleases me is that the boys make full use of the opportunities to thrive and grow.

Start of the year

I have been very pleased with how the year had started and how the 175 theme has been central to our activities. Apart from sports festivals, we have launched the stained-glass project and the wine project.

Another special event is the unique public speaking competition we are hosting next weekend where, for the first time, trilingual competition will take place. This is a wonderful time to celebrate the three main languages in the Western Cape and at Bishops and I wish all teachers and pupils well for what we hope will be a special day.

Our traditional athletics programme commenced with Relay Sports and Heats Week, followed by Sports Day. These whole-school events are wonderful and we hope our boys, and parents who are able to attend, enjoy the programme.

Our new boys were welcomed to Bishops in a special service held in our Chapel last week. Head of School, Ben Anderson, exhorted the boys to make the most of their time at school, even displaying his own Grade 8 welcome certificate he got four years ago! It is good to be able to acknowledge our new boys and to welcome both them and their parents to the Bishops community.

Our annual open day, Experience Bishops was another good moment for prospective boys and their parents and the campus was full as our PR boys and staff took groups around. Listening in to some of their “tour guiding”, I was so impressed by how the Grade 11s spoke with confidence but also sincerity and passion for their school. My thanks to all who made this day possible.

Final thoughts

There was no assembly this week due to Sports Day and thus no assembly message to share.

We are currently looking at the school terms for 2025 as there have been some challenges with public holidays. We are consulting with the other independent schools to ensure we have a calendar that is similar. One of the challenges is that the public school system will shut school for a week at the end of April, three weeks after the term has started. This is a result of the Freedom Day and Workers Day holidays being in the same working week. We are busy debating what would work best for our boys and will publish the dates as soon as we are able.

I wish you well for the upcoming weeks.

Kind regards

Antony Reeler



Last week we held our annual academic Prize-Giving for boys in Grades 8 to 11 (in 2023). Congratulations to all of our winners! We are extremely proud of how well our learners perform in the classroom and commend them all on their constant commitment to academic excellence.

Click here to view the prize winners.



Congratulations to Max Craig on winning the Bronze Medal in the recent WP District Chess Trials. As a result of his excellent performance, Max has been awarded his WP District Colours. Very well done Max.


Water Polo

We congratulate our 1st water polo team on their accomplishments at the St Andrew College Tournament last weekend. The team exhibited remarkable skills and determination, making it to the final showdown against SACS. Despite an intense and nail-biting match, they narrowly lost 8-9, ultimately securing a well-deserved Silver Medal. Bishops remained unbeaten in the lead-up to the final, showcasing their prowess against some of the top teams in the country, including Clifton, Hilton, St Stithians, and SACS. The semi-final victory against Rondebosch was testament to their dedication and teamwork. For the 4th time in a week, they met SACS having won two out of the 3 encounters. This one was sadly not to be. Not only did the team excel in the water but they also demonstrated great sportsmanship and dignity throughout the tournament.

Congratulations to seven of the 1st Team Water Polo Players who have been selected for Cape Town Teams to participate in the SA National Water Polo Championships in East London from the 11th to 16th March.

The Cape Town U18A Team; Jordan De Sousa, Ross Stewart, Thomas Truter, and Non-travelling reserve- Bryn Parry.

Cape Town U16 Team; James Malan, Matthew Fenn, Michael Mafunda, Timothy Young


Congratulations to Bafokeng Lehloenya (Ogilvie House) and Immanuel Magongwa (School House) for their selection as the Athletics captains for 2024.


Last week, on Wednesday, they had their first game of the season against Groote Schuur High School. Despite facing a formidable opponent, our team displayed remarkable skill and determination, ultimately securing a victory with a score of 36:28. This impressive performance marks a promising start to the season, and we are eager to maintain this momentum moving forward.

WP Ladder: Squash Invitational Closed Tournament

Congratulations to the players who participated in the closed tournament at WPCC to determine their rankings for SA Youth Squash.

This is a positive start to the year, and we further wish the 1st team development squad well as they leave for their tour to St. Andrews, Bloemfontein on the 9th February.

Tristan Swanich (3rd)
Nicholas Basson (4th)
Alexander Savva (8th)
Rohan Rossouw (4th)
Kiyan Govender (3rd)
Ismaeel Darsot (4th)


Sports Performance and Wellness Testing

Sports Performance and Wellness (SPW) testing is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess the physical fitness levels of Bishops students in Grades 8, 9, and 10. Scheduled twice a year, at the onset of Term 1 (January) and the conclusion of Term 3 (August), this testing battery encompasses various metrics crucial to overall health and wellness, as well as athletic development and performance.

Who participates in the SPW Testing?

  • Grade 8, 9 & 10s.

When does the SPW Testing occur?

  • Start of Term 1 (January) and end of Term 3 (August).

Purpose of SPW Testing:

  • Grade 10 Bishops EPIC Preparation: Prepare students for the Grade 10 Bishops EPIC.
  • Promote Physical Well-being: Encourage boys to take an active interest in their physical health and foster a healthy lifestyle.
  • Progress Tracking: Enable students to monitor their physical fitness progression from Grade 8 to Grade 10

What is it that we are testing?

  • Biometrics: Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Waist Circumference.
  • Flexibility: Sit & Reach.
  • Strength: Grip Strength & 1-minute Push-up Test.
  • Power: Broad Jump & Medicine Ball Chest Push.
  • Speed: 40m Sprint.
  • Agility: Illinois Agility Test.
  • Aerobic Endurance: Beep Test.

Utilization of Results:

  • Each boy is sent their SPW testing Results, as well as the history of all their previous results.
  • Results are sent to sports coaches to aid with player selection.
  • The analysis involves identifying weaknesses within the grade and individual students, classifying boys into specific groups based on testing results.

In essence, SPW Testing not only serves as a tool for evaluating fitness but also as a catalyst for fostering physical well-being, optimizing athletic performance, and nurturing a culture of holistic health among our students.


Peer Learning

Our Peer Tutoring program is flourishing, thanks to the commitment of a dedicated group of volunteers who selflessly dedicate their time each week to support VUSA children in Langa. Operating on Wednesdays or Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm, these young mentors assist with homework, English, and Math.

Beyond academic support, these volunteers forge meaningful connections with the children, fostering an environment of encouragement and personal growth. The impact of their mentorship extends far beyond the classroom, serving as a source of inspiration and confidence for the young minds they engage with.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to these outstanding volunteers who are making a positive difference in the lives of Langa's children. As our Peer Tutoring program continues to thrive, we anticipate ongoing growth and transformation for both tutors and learners. Thank you for being part of this inspiring journey!

To sign up for the programme please join HERE

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1000 | Fax: +27 21 659 1013